MPTF Application Form

What is MPTF?

The Music Performance Trust Fund brings free, live, professional music programs to communities through a variety of means including large-scale festivals and park concerts; educational activities, teacher training and assemblies in schools; intimate assisted living facility and senior center events; and more. Events are presented in partnership with a number of national and local arts and arts education providers. Our aim is to increase access to enriching, quality musical experiences for public school students, older adults, and those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend professional music performances.

Musicians are paid fair wages that are at the current minimum scale per hour plus 8% pension.

Most MPTF performances require a sponsor to support the performance at 50%. Some performances are sponsored at 100% during Women’s History Month, Black History Month, Jazz Appreciation Month, Emancipation Day, and Juneteenth. Educational performances are also sponsored at 100%.

For more general information, please visit the MPTF Website:

About the Application Process

To apply for an MPTF Grant, fill out this online form.

Please fill out the form completely, as missing information may deem your application to be ineligible. We need at least one month of lead time to process your application. Ideally, 3 months of lead time is best.

Once UPM 518 has your complete application, we apply for the grant to the New York Office on your behalf. It’s not guaranteed that the New York Office will approve your application.

Thank you for your interest in MPTF and good luck!