The Local 518 Price List is for members use only. The following information is general information regarding pension rates, work dues rates, overtime, and Temporary membership. For more information on rates refer to Local 518’s 2023 Price List distributed to members and posted in the members area or call the office.
There is a minimum 8% contribution to a maximum of 18% contribution on all clauses except where specified.
•Work dues for regular engagements (live with no recording): 3%
•Work dues for engagements paid through the Local 518 office: 5%
•Work dues for regular engagements (live with no recording): 5%
•Work dues for engagements that involve electronic media (recording and video/audio streaming: Clauses 1C, 9A and 9C): 7%
OVERTIME – To be calculated on a pro rata basis, for questions please call Local 518
TEMPOPARY MEMBERSHIP – The local will grant temporary membership for non-members up to 4 times per year. This membership will be calculated at a rate of 20% of scale, all work dues, and pension. Fees paid will be applied to yearly membership. Please contact the office when hiring a temporary member.
Members are advised to use union contracts.